Wedding Day Emergency Kit for Grooms

Groom Survival Kit

The Groom's Complete Wedding Day Survival Kit

It's the morning of one of the most important days in any groom's life. Most will arrive with the key items like the wedding bands and their suit. But despite all the year+ of planning, things fall through the cracks and we overlook some basic things.

For example, you might wake up feeling like a you just scored a hatty in game seven to win the Stanley Cup - but you never know when a headache will strike.  You also can't control what your groomsmen forget to bring for themselves.  Plan ahead, we all have that one friend.

Now this is a long list, I'm not saying you need everything (although some of you might - you know who you are) but pick and choose accordingly:

  1. Extra Shirt (summer weddings, you’ll likely sweat through the first one)

  2. Water

  3. Lint roller

  4. Sunscreen

  5. Mints (not gum)

  6. Shoe shine towelettes

  7. Have lunch delivered to your prep location

  8. Stain Remover ie. Tide to Go

  9. Brush

  10. Extra buttons for shirt, pants + jacket (it can happen fellas)

  11. Deodorant

  12. Floss

  13. Toothbrush + toothpaste

  14. Mouthwash

  15. Hair product

  16. Hand cream

  17. Lip balm

  18. Nail clipper + file

  19. Shaving kit

  20. Tweezers

  21. Contact lenses + solution

  22. Aleve/Advil/Tylenol

  23. Allergy medication

  24. Antacid

  25. First aid kit - or at least a few Band-aids

  26. Safety pins

  27. Important phone #s - Family, wedding party, wedding vendors

  28. Phone charger

  29. Directions - physical paper, don't tempt fate ie. your phone battery or internet connection

  30. Schedule - same thing, a physical copy

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  • Tie education - make sure you and your groomsmen know how to tie a tie AHEAD of time

  • Boutonnière education - they can be tricky to pin on, watch the video.

  • Cell phone - remember to turn it off and give it to someone before the ceremony. Keep your pockets empty.

  • Mints - pop a few mints right before the ceremony for minty-fresh vows and first kiss

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Vaughn Barry

All reviews are provided in the client’s own words. All articles are written by Vaughn Barry, professional photographer at Vaughn Barry Photography. I’m based in Orillia, Ontario on the south end of Muskoka. Read my Google reviews.

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